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Blog, News and Information

The articles on our blog are intended to help you stay on top of recent financial headlines and news, understand changing tax and retirement legislation, follow the latest economic developments, learn about financial concepts and strategies, explore topics related to financial matters, and stay informed about subjects that can impact your financial plan.


Financial PlanningLifestyle

10 Financial Tips for Planning Your Summer Get Away

As we get into summer, many folks are looking forward to getting away. While making memories that last a lifetime is important, it’s also important to plan and budget wisely so that those memories do not come at the expense of your financial stability. Here are ten tips to help you plan and budget for your summer vacation while keeping…
Financial PlanningLifestyle

Personal Finance: The Importance of Starting Early

When You’re Young—In Your 20s We’ve all heard the famous quote by Albert Einstein, the one where he said, “"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn't, pays it." And it’s true. In many cases, if you start out early—perhaps in your teens or 20s—saving just a small amount each…

Sparkle and Safety: A Grandparent’s Guide to Fourth of July Fireworks

Importance of Safety: Protecting Your Loved Ones While fireworks inspire awe and excitement, they also present significant risks if not handled properly. According to the National Safety Council and the Consumer Product Safety Commission, fireworks can cause severe injuries, especially to children and bystanders, and are responsible for nearly 20,000 fires each year. For grandparents supervising grandchildren, understanding and enforcing…
Financial Planning

Annuity Sales Are Surging. Do You Know What They Are?

In the first quarter of 2024, U.S. annuity sales were $106.7 billion, the highest first quarter total since the 1980s, when LIMRA first started tracking annuity sales. Despite these high sales numbers, research indicates that many people don’t really know what annuities are. One recent study revealed that only 9% of consumers say they feel very knowledgeable about annuities, while…

In-Season Fruits and Veggies You Should be Snacking On

Summer is the best time of the year. The weather is warm, the pool is open, school is out and cold snacks are on the menu. And speaking of snacks, what’s better than hopping out of the pool, walking over to a cooler, and pulling out a big, juicy slice of watermelon? It’s the perfect treat, combining sweet and refreshing,…
Financial Planning

What is Sequence of Returns Risk?

We get it. Retirement can be scary. We know this because it’s our job to help our clients plan for and seamlessly transition into what should be one of the most rewarding times of their lives. What we often find, however, is that most are worried about retirement because of the risks that come with it. But what are some…
Financial Planning

Investing in an Election Year

Investing in an election year can seem like navigating a particularly unpredictable segment of the market. Political campaigns and the uncertainty surrounding election outcomes can lead to increased volatility in the stock market, impacting investor sentiment and behavior. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of investing during an election year, providing insights into how elections typically affect the…
Financial PlanningRetirement Planning

5 Things You Need to Know About Retirement

There’s an old saying that goes something like, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” You might have even used it, maybe when you came home past curfew without your parents finding out or poured your juice into the plant when no one was watching. And sure, no one being the wiser might have worked when you were young, but…

4 Ways to Unplug in a Digital World

In the digital age, it feels like everything needs to be connected to a power source, including ourselves. In fact, the first question we usually ask when we initially arrive at a hotel is, “What’s the Wi-Fi password?” That seems strange given that we typically go on vacation to experience new cultures, places, food and more. Nevertheless, we’re attached, and…

5 Tips to Get in Shape for Summer

Summer is just about here, and we all know what that means: it’s time to get in shape! But getting in shape can be easier said than done. In fact, we’re not afraid to admit we’ve set goals early in the year, only for those goals to have fallen through by time the summer months roll around. So no, it’s…

Let’s Get Started!

Prime Capital’s team of financial advisors applies its unique approach to financial planning and investment management toward the goal of turning our clients’ dreams into reality.

Individuals & Families

Our financial advisors work as a team to devise a custom plan for you based on your unique situation and objectives, then we go one step further to help you develop an estate plan for tax-advantaged wealth transfer to the next generation.

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Business Solutions

Let’s discuss your business structure and the possibilities that exist within that structure to plan for the retirement that you desire for yourself and provide benefits to attract and retain excellent employees.

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What is Your Risk Number?

No one is the same when it comes to portfolio risk. Nitrogen helps replace confusing and subjective terms like “moderately conservative” and “moderately aggressive” with a number between 1 and 99 that pinpoints your exact comfort zone for downside risk and potential upside gain.

Get Your Risk Number Now!

Prime Capital Investment Advisors in North Texas welcomes the chance to discuss how we might help you, your family and/or your business. Please call us now at (214) 765-5092, or simply fill out this form and we will get back to you to set up time for an initial conversation.

777 International Parkway, Suite 180
Flower Mound, Texas 75022

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Let’s Discuss Your Plan

777 International Parkway, Suite 180
Flower Mound, TX 75022
(214) 765-5092